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Sep 29 2017
Pacific parrotlets were our featured Animal of the Month for September, but now these tiny little bundles of energy are flying out of the spotlight as the month draws to…
Aug 31 2017
We’re bidding the veiled chameleon a fond farewell now that August is coming to an end. We hope you enjoyed the time we spent together @ExoticPetVets with this colourful creature…
Jul 31 2017
If you’ve been following us on Twitter @ExoticPetVets, you’ll know that we featured the ferret as our Animal of the Month for July. But it’s now the last day of…
Jun 30 2017
The boisterous blue and gold macaw is flying out of the spotlight today as June comes to an end. We hope you enjoyed following us @ExoticPetVets as we highlighted these…
May 29 2017
The larger-than-life sulcata tortoise is now lumbering out of the spotlight as our Animal of the Month now that May is just about over. We tweeted all month long @ExoticPetVets…
Apr 28 2017
They’re small, soft and taking their final bow as our Animal of the Month for April. We hope you enjoyed the time we spent this month featuring the chinchilla on…
Mar 31 2017
The idiom may say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but this year March was all about lineolated parakeets! And since it’s the…
Feb 27 2017
The time has come for the boa constrictor to slither out of the spotlight as our Animal of the Month for February. We had a great time tweeting about this…
Jan 30 2017
Can you believe January is almost over already? Neither can we! And this means our time with the rabbit as our Animal of the Month for January is up. We…
Nov 28 2016
The uromastyx is returning to her burrow after spending November in the spotlight as our latest Animal of the Month on Twitter. All month long we tweeted about these gentle…