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Pet Services

  • If well socialized from a young age and treated gently, hamsters are generally slow moving, reasonably easy to handle, and affectionate. Hamsters make good family pets but should never be left unsupervised with small children. Hamsters should have annual physical examinations and fecal tests for intestinal parasites.

  • Prairie dogs (most often black-tailed prairie dogs) are becoming popular as pets. Like all rodents, they have teeth that continually grow throughout life. They are active, playful and sturdy rodents and can make wonderful, affectionate pets if purchased young, socialized properly and given lots of attention.

  • Pet rodents, sometimes also referred to as pocket pets are very popular pets. Hamsters, rats, mice, gerbils, and guinea pigs are the most common rodents kept as pets. They make good first pets for young children and as a rule require minimal care.

  • Guinea pigs live, on average, 5-6 years; although some can live to 8-10 years of age. Their teeth grow continuously, throughout life, and it is critical that they eat grass hay, such as Timothy hay, every day to help them wear down their teeth as they grow. Young guinea pigs display a unique behavior called popcorning when they are happy, in which they jump straight up in the air and let out squeals of delight. Guinea pigs reach sexual maturity at around 3-4 months of age; therefore, if young males and females are housed together, they should be separated by this age, otherwise they are likely to breed. The average gestation period for guinea pigs is 63 days. If gestation continues over 70 days, the guinea pig should be seen immediately by a veterinarian, and it is likely that the entire litter will be stillborn.

  • Pacheco's disease is caused by an avian herpesvirus. It is often a fatal disease, but treatment with an anti-herpes medication may be life-saving if used at first presentation. This disease is seen less often in today's pet bird population since most parrots are domestically raised and not imported.

  • The papilloma virus causes non-cancerous tumors (warts) in many pet birds. The virus belongs to the family papovavirus, the same family as the polyoma virus, which also infects birds.

  • It is not difficult to find your pet the extra care they may need if you have a busy schedule or are traveling. With the excellent pet sitter options available today, having a pet at home does not mean you cannot take a vacation every once in a while. Be sure to interview any potential sitters and use trusted friends, your vet, or online resources when looking for sitters. Hiring a pet sitter for your pet may be like a vacation for them as well!

  • The domestic pigeon includes over 300 breeds, all descending from the rock dove. They originated in Eurasia, but are now found all over the world. They come in many color combinations and their plumage can include anything from feathered feet to crested, maned, or hooded heads. They are generally hardy birds that are easy to tame and care for. As with any pet, pigeons require regular, routine veterinary health checkups.

  • Many birds naturally eat plants as part of their diet. Some birds will chew on and possibly consume plants out of curiosity or during play. Many toxic plants will just make a bird sick if they ingest them, but some can kill them. Fortunately, rather than ingesting plants, most birds shred and play with plants with which they come in contact. This handout catalogues many of the indoor and outdoor plants that are considered to be potentially toxic to birds.

  • Polyfolliculosis is a condition where several feathers grow out of one feather follicle. These feathers may be irritating, causing the bird to pick at them or pluck them out. There is no specific treatment for this condition.