Amazon parrots kicked off the new year as our first Animal of the Month for 2015, but now it’s time to say good-bye to them (and we’re sure they’re saying good-bye back!). We hope you enjoyed our tweets on these talkative and likable birds – especially our tweet showcasing Theressa singing a little Bobby Vinton tune! But if you missed any of our tweets @ExoticPetVets, here is a summary. Did you know?:
- Amazon parrots (Amazona sp.) include about 30 species.
- Amazon parrots are medium-sized birds with short, square-shaped tails.
- The natural habitat of Amazon parrots stretches between Mexico and South America.
- Amazon parrots are predominantly green but have accent colours like yellow, red, orange and blue depending on the species.
- Amazon parrot species commonly seen in captivity include the Double Yellow-head, Yellow-naped and Blue-fronted.
- Famous for their ability to mimic sounds, Amazon parrots can develop a human vocabulary and make electronic noises.
- Amazon parrots can also learn to sing songs!
- Amazon parrots are interactive and good-natured and tend to bond with specific people or genders.
- Their attachments can sometimes cause Amazon parrots to be aggressive towards people with whom they’re not bonded.
- In the wild, Amazon parrots will eat seeds, nuts, fruits, berries and other vegetation, especially fruit from oil palms.
- Instead of flying to look for food, Amazon parrots will climb from branch to branch as they forage for food in the wild.
- In captivity, the ideal Amazon parrot diet is pellets + fruits + veggies.
- Common behaviour found in Amazon parrots is “eye pinning,” which is when the bird’s pupils quickly contract and expand.
- Eye pinning can mean that an Amazon parrot is happy, aggressive or excited.
- Consider other body language that occurs with eye pinning to figure out what your Amazon parrot is trying to tell you.
- Since Amazon parrots are birds originating from a rainforest environment, they love water.
- Bathing your Amazon parrot is important for feather maintenance and preening.
- Amazon parrots should be bathed regularly, but the frequency depends on the individual bird’s preferences.