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Dr. Mavromatis speaks at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School

By March 8, 2013 No Comments

Dr. Evan Mavromatis had an exciting morning today speaking to Grade 10 students at Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School in Markham, Ontario.  Evan was invited to speak at the school by teacher Ms. Strauss for Career Day and was joined by his friends Gilbert the bunny, Goli the Green-cheeked Conure and crested geckos Yukon and Manitou.  Evan talked to the students about what it takes to become a veterinarian and the foundations they need to start forming now before they head off to university.  He not only discussed the different career paths available to veterinarians and of the daily realities facing vets in private practice, but also showed the students some interesting x-rays.  We’d like to thank Ms. Strauss, Ms. Kelly, Ms. Young and Ms. De Luca and their students for their warm hospitality.  Evan was also very touched and grateful for the donation they made to The Owl Foundation to thank him for his appearance at their school.

Evan speaking to the students Gilbert saying hello! Yukon and Manitou visit with the students

Please click here for more photos!

Lifelearn Admin

Lifelearn Admin

S. Fontana is a LifeLearn author.

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