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  • Birds of all species are innately designed to hide symptoms of illness until later stages of a disease process. Any signs of a change in appetite or behavior should be brought to the attention of an avian veterinarian. If an avian patient stops eating, this becomes a life-threatening situation quickly.

  • Blood feathers are a normal maturation process for all feathers on birds. When feathers first erupt from the skin they contain blood. Injury to the feather as it grows may cause the blood feather to become broken causing blood loss that at times may require emergency treatment by an avian veterinarian.

  • Candida is a type of yeast that may cause problems in the digestive tract of birds. In young birds, immunocompromised birds, or birds that have been on antibiotics for an extended period, candida may overgrow in the digestive tract and cause various problems, such as 'sour crop'.

  • Chinchillas are generally hardy animals but are susceptible to several unique health conditions; understanding them will help you care for your pet and manage potential health problems. This handout describes the most common conditions seen in pet chinchillas.

  • Common conditions of pet ferrets include diarrhea, intestinal foreign bodies, parasites, heart disease, and various tumors. This handout outlines the causes, clinical signs, and treatment options for each of these conditions. Any variation from normal should be a cause for concern and should be immediately evaluated by your veterinarian.

  • Egg binding is not uncommon in birds and may be resolved easily if treated early; if not, the bird may become critically ill. Egg binding occurs when the female bird is unable to expel the egg from her body. Egg-bound birds are usually weak, not perching, often sitting low on the perch or on the bottom of the cage and are straining as if trying to defecate or to lay an egg. Treatment varies depending upon how sick the bird is, as well as the location of the egg and the length of time the bird has been egg bound.

  • There are several common diseases or conditions that may affect the pet ferret. Like dogs, ferrets may get heartworms, distemper virus, heat stroke and a variety of cancerous conditions. Yearly veterinary health examinations are recommended to assess the presence or absence of any of the diseases listed above.

  • Guinea pigs can be hardy and easy to care for when provided an appropriate environment for their unique needs. Like all animals, guinea pigs are susceptible to certain problems and diseases. This handout outlines the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for some of the more common health problems of guinea pigs.

  • Rodents commonly develop certain health problems, including rabies (unlikely in pet rodents housed inside), hair barbering, foot necrosis, vitamin C deficiency, heat stroke, antibiotic toxicity, chromodacryorrhea, diarrhea, bone fractures, bacterial skin infections (dermatitis), and seizures.

  • Birds are naturally mischievous and if not properly supervised, will get into many predicaments. It is crucial that you bird proof your home. The bird's cage is its house and the confines of your home represent the bird's environment.