I would like to introduce Tobi, a female tangerine corn snake. She is the latest castaway to join my family. My wife and I adopted Tobi from The Toronto Humane Society just a few weeks ago and she has settled in nicely and seems very comfortable in her new home. She has a big homemade enclosure to stretch out in and explore, and seems to enjoy it immensely. She now busies herself by soaking up the warmth of her heat lamp on her branch perch, napping in her rocky hide, staring down her new feline housemates from her elevated perch, and going for a soak in her spacious water tub. So much to do, so little time! It didn’t take her long to settle in!
Although we know little about her back story, what we do know is that her recent past was quite harsh. If not for the kindness of those who found Tobi and brought her to The Toronto Humane Society, her story very well may have ended more tragically. Despite being a fully grown adult, her previous owners abandoned her in their apartment when they vacated it. How long she had been left on her own is unknown, but she was found by the new occupants of the apartment when they moved in; she was lethargic, cold and covered in her own feces. It’s unknown when she had last eaten, and despite her stressful situation and being relocated to The Toronto Humane Society, she was eager to take her first meal. After much TLC and attention from The Toronto Humane Society staff and doctors, she was put up for adoption where she quickly slithered into our lives.
And despite her ordeal, she lives up to the corn snake reputation of being very friendly, sociable and docile. Despite everything, she can be handled with ease and is very agreeable (dare I say she enjoys) curling up in your hands soaking up your body heat. Her pleasant disposition will be welcomed, especially in her new role as an ambassador for her kind during the many school “show and tells,” career days or educational situations she will now be exposed to by me and the rest of my staff at the clinic. She will no doubt perform admirably in breaking down the stigma and fears that many people have about snakes.
We are pleased to welcome Tobi into our family and to provide her with a stable, loving home for her twilight years. Feel free to ask me how she’s doing the next time you find yourself at the clinic!
– Dr. Evan Mavromatis
Sadly, many animals of all kinds find themselves in similar situations where they are no longer wanted and are abandoned. The lucky ones are surrendered to animal shelters where they have another chance to find a forever home. Shelters such as The Toronto Humane Society have many types of animals; not only dogs and cats, but also rabbits, rodents, birds and reptiles who want little more than to find a family to call their own. To find out more about who is available for adoption or other ways you can help the animals, please call or visit The Toronto Humane Society.
Congrats on your new addition Evan! She’s lucky to have such a caring capable new home! The cats will keep her in check😉.
Erin and Mr. Munkie B 🐰🐾